
A Day in the Life of A Cuban

In light of President Obama’s historic visit to Cuba this week, I wanted to weigh in with some of my own impressions of this island country. I visited Cuba earlier this month with a group from the University of Tampa, through its Global Access Partnership. This educational travel program is designed to provide a platform for UT’s community partners to experience the nuances of global markets and cultures firsthand so that we can confidently navigate the global business landscape. Continue Reading…

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Bad Timing, Creative Solution

Sometimes the need to restructure debt comes from outside forces. This was the case for a Tampa Bay area storage facility owner. After finding himself in a tough financial position, the owner for this local storage facility reached out to Links Financial so that he could get himself the financing he needed to keep his business. Continue Reading…

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Why Do Companies Restructure?

Corporate restructuring can be driven by a need for change in the organizational structure or business model of a company, or it can be driven by the necessity to make financial adjustments to its assets and liabilities. Frequently, it involves both. Continue Reading…

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Tampa Bay Restaurant Owner Buys Out Investors

You’ve probably heard the phrase “too many cooks in the kitchen.” That was exactly the case when it came to deciding on the future direction of one Tampa Bay restaurant chain. The owner of this popular restaurant group was in the perfect position to put money back into his restaurants and grow his company, but it meant decreasing cash flow now in order to increase profit later – a decision that wouldn’t be popular with the restaurant group’s shareholders. Continue Reading…

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5 Things to Consider Before Buying Out Your Business Partner

A successful business partnership relies on each partner’s commitment toward achieving a common goal. Over time, however, priorities may change, and viewpoints may diverge. For example, one partner wants to expand; the other is averse to risk. Retirement, outside business opportunities and family changes are additional reasons why a partnership buyout may make sense. Following are five things to consider before buying out a business partner.

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Links Financial Helps a Tampa Business Owner Achieve the American Dream

The American Dream is finding an opportunity and maximizing it. We see this happening every day across the United States, and it is an idea that defines our great country. At Links Financial, we have the amazing opportunity to help people achieve and own their American Dream – whether it’s building a great company, acquiring one or taking advantage of opportunity when it presents itself. Needless to say, we love what we do!

One of our recently completed transactions especially embodies the American Dream. Like most of us, our client had been a wage earner his entire working career. He had successfully worked for numerous firms in which he had excelled at growing businesses, meeting his numbers and helping his managers and owners make a lot of money. After working up the ranks and eventually running the division for a Tampa Bay based manufacturer, our client wanted to capitalize on the opportunity he saw in front of him by acquiring the business.

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Links Financial Helps Property Manager Make a Solid Investment

All business owners know the risks associated with running their own company and how taking some of those risks can greatly reward them.  At Links Financial, we understand this concept and are here to help make sure that business owners willing to take big risks reap the rewards of doing so.  That was the case in one of our Real Estate transactions in St. Petersburg, FL.

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